Sweetheart City Winery
2015 - 2017
Sweet Heart Winery is located on the west side of Loveland in unincorporated Larimer County. The project comprises a 6,600-sf wine-tasting facility with associated sidewalk, parking, landscaping, and vineyards on a 6.7-acre site immediately adjacent to the Big Thompson River. The property is located within the FEMA floodplain and floodway so special consideration was given to the grading of the property and the elevation of the new winery. In addition, due to the proximity to the river, stormwater quality leaving the site was an important consideration in the design of the site. A ¼ mile offsite water main was designed across Highway 34 to bring potable water and fire protection to the site. Other services provided by United Civil Design Group included preparation of construction drawings, drainage report, stormwater management plan, and close coordination with the owner, city, CDOT and other consultants/contractors during design and construction.
In 2014, Jack and David asked if we could help them out with their water & wine problem. We told them that there was only person that could turn water into wine and that certainly wasn’t us! Fortunately, they said they had the wine part figured out. We just needed to help with the water part of the equation……and that sounded like it was right up our alley!
Over the next couple of years we helped them:
Design a site with a winery close to the Big Thompson River, but out of the dangerous floodwaters that ravaged so many properties in 2013.
Ensure the stormwater draining off the site was clean and kept the Big Thompson running clear.
Figure out how to bring potable water to the building from ¼ mile away and on the other side of Highway 34. This not only brings clean drinking water to the winery, but helps keep the beautiful structure safe in the event of a fire.
Like so many projects we work on, this project certainly had it’s challenges. That’s what we love though…figuring things out and helping our clients build something good for the community. We are grateful that we were able to help Jack and David see their dream of Sweetheart Winery come to fruition. We hope you enjoy their wine!