Public Infrastructure
Rio Blanco Avenue and 29th Street
United Civil Design Group provided planning, design and construction management services for the development of a 52-acre site that included a solar park, substation, roadways, utilities, drainage infrastructure, landscaping and open space. A ½ mile of major collector roadway was designed through the site along with drainage facilities to provide adequate stormwater conveyance and water quality for the site.
Orchard Parkway and 142nd Avenue
United Civil Design Group provided project management and civil engineering services for this Capital Improvement Project for the City of Westminster. The design included Orchard Parkway from 138th Avenue to 144th Avenue and 142nd Avenue from North Huron Street to Orchard Parkway. The project included one mile of new major collector roads with potable water, reclaimed water, sanitary sewer and street drainage infrastructure. In addition, roadway widening, intersection improvements, and traffic signals were designed at the major arterial intersections of North Huron Street and W. 144th Avenue.
Loveland Sidewalk Gaps
The Loveland Sidewalk Gaps project, located in Loveland, Colorado, comprises of 6 sections of sidewalk throughout different locations in the City. More specifically, the project included the design and construction of 6 separate sidewalk sections with associated utility adjustments, grading, and landscaped areas.
Garfield Drainage Improvements
The Garfield Drainage Analysis project, located in Loveland, Colorado, involved the improvement of drainage features, roadways, and utilities for an older portion of Garfield Avenue that had deteriorating streets and significant drainage problems. Because of the age of the neighborhood, information regarding the stormwater infrastructure was not available and the design of the neighborhood had not accounted for the amount of water the site sees currently making the design and analysis more difficult.
Fremont & Eagle Intersection Realignment
United Civil Design Group provided design services for the reconfiguration of this intersection in the City of Centennial. The realignment of the intersection was desired to provide better level of service at the existing intersection of these two collector roadways. United Civil worked with the traffic consultant and the City to configure the geometry of the new intersection. One property’s access was reconfigured, and improvements were made to fix localized drainage problems. United Civil coordinated extensively with the City, SEMSWA, ACWWA, and dry utility providers affected by the reconfigurations.
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